sE Electronics X1 A Microphone Review
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sE Electronics X1 A Microphone Review

In the two decades since its establishment, sE Electronics has focused its energies on manufacturing affordable microphones with top-quality sound and design. The company prides itself on producing its microphones by hand, and meticulous engineering and attention to detail have been the sE Electronics trademark for years. All sE condenser capsules and ribbons are designed…

sE Electronics sE2300 Microphone Review
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sE Electronics sE2300 Microphone Review

In only two short decades, sE Electronics has risen to the top of the industry and become an internationally respected brand that’s become popular in the home and professional studios alike. Known for their top quality, handcrafted mics, the company has produced favorites like the sE Electronics z3300 A, the sE Electronics sE2200a II, and…

sE Electronics sE2200a II C Microphone Review
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sE Electronics sE2200a II C Microphone Review

Every home studio needs a workhorse, and there’s no condenser microphone that carries the burden better than the sE Electronics sE2200A II C. This large diaphragm condenser microphone is perfect for use with a range of different instruments, but perhaps its best performance lies in capturing vocals perfectly. The sE2200 is the latest in a…